Experience the emotional whirlwind in Fiona Amaka's latest single, 'Standing Right Beside You,' where acoustic blues meets the power of heartfelt vocals.
The guitar peals like a bell. The strings sending out a collection of notes, jumbled at first, but when they hit their golden resonance they form a chord. One chord, standing proud above the silent day, careening left and right, finding its way to your soul. First that chord hits, followed by the next. They fall on one another, forming a country-style blues structure that leaves ample room for a vocal. But, you think to yourself, the vocal would have to be delicate to fit between these gaps, and yet also powerful when the time comes — who could weave lyrics through these wonderful guitar tones? The answer is Fiona Amaka, and how they sing through the eye of the needle is what makes their single, ‘Standing Right Beside You,’ so great.
At first, the vocals are low and smooth. Between the acoustic guitar and the now-building classic percussion, they slip like a sliver of silk. They shoot a line one way, then another, taking quick turns but never moving anything, they go with the flow. The lyrics build an image in your mind as you follow their wild course, you become aware that they are coming to a change, that something is going to grow. The chorus whips around the bend before you know it, but the vocals were ready. They stand strong, now made of steel, and they fire lyrics out at powerful intervals. They fill the space, the guitar now wraps around their form and the drums follow their lead. Once the fallout clears, they are back to their old ways, zipping and sliding through the melody.
‘Standing Right Beside You’ is a fantastic showing of blues in a simple form. Blues has a wonderful way of pushing emotion and Fiona Amaka proves it in seconds. This is a single you connect to, you resonate with, and that belongs to all of us in turn. It’s a powerful and understanding song that loves to be heard. Wonderful.
Genre: Blues, Acoustic Blues
Mood: Soulful, Powerful, Introspective, Resonant
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