KNOWTE - Trust The Process
Hartford, United States

#KNOWTE has released his brand new album #TrustTheProcess which combines Rap with rock to create an emotion-packed listen. The album consists of 15 tracks so let's get into it! #OpeningNight is a 19-second long introduction that leaves you with one simple message "Don't Overthink it" #Holy is a dark track that contains a steady trap loop and haunting bell synths - almost drill in style. The lyrics are great and the artists' flow is amazing! #LostCause is absolutely brilliant! The skill in the flow is just amazing and shows the versatility of style in the artist's rap vocal abilities. #InMyHouse features Aria Martinez who provides an integral sound to the production in the form of haunting backing vocals. This song takes the anxiety of Covid-19 during lockdown and features news samples from the peak of the pandemic. #IDon'tCare is full of energy, heavy 808s, and bell synths that will lift the fight inside of you. #FallinginReverse has a really catchy hook along with the more laid-back vocal style - again it's great to hear the variety of rap styles that this artist has! #TrustTheProcess (Interlude) is a short break midway through the album before presenting the main body of #TrustTheProcess. I love the way that the deep and distorted backing adlibs present darkness in this piece! This is a track that will get you trusting the process for sure!
#ALoveLike features St. Wave - this track takes a step towards old-school hip-hop in a production that is happier in instrumentation when compared to the previous tracks on the album. The hook is a feel-good one that will get you singing along. #GoldenChild features samples of children laughing to create the atmosphere and narrative of the track. The lyrics talk of stars, supernovas, and energy amongst other universal elements that fit the narrative of trusting the process. I really love the rap flow in this track - #KNOWTE reminds me of a mix between Kendrick Lamar and a male version of Doja Cat - I mean could you get any more talent into one person? #WALLZ features #Hallowz in a track that takes a turn back into a darker drill-style production. The heavy 808s and haunting melodic bell synths act as a catalyst for the energy of the rap flow and the trap loops. The autotuned hook is amazing! This song has an emo rap and rock feels about it - This is one of my favorite tracks on the album for the pure versatility found within it. #Go provides listeners with a production that would fit the Fast and Furious Films perfectly! The urgency of the beat along with the energy of the vocals is simply rapid, perfectly put together, and imitates a police chase. #Runaway continues the urgency in the form of choppy melodic bell synths. This track has a darker feel about it and had me feeling as though I was living in Gotham City! The song features #Dethwish to create a piece that hits your emotions with immense impact. This song hits deeply and addresses on the issue of needing to escape when things get too much. #Ghost (Remaster) is the perfect full production to end the album! This track has a lot to say and makes damn sure that you won't forget #KNOWTE in a hurry! The album closes with #WakeUpCall a 30-second concept piece that begins with the artist speaking to a crowd on stage before merging into the sound of telephone rings - the artist then answers the phone and says that he will get the report over by the end of the day as he carries on typing. Back to the office job! I really like what this brings to the project, it sums up what it means to "Trust The Process" perfectly. Keep working, keep dreaming! This is a solid album that I will return to many times!!!