Tamara Jenna
May 26, 2022
Last Thursday (26th May) Vanessa Sinclair founder of VNS Management hosted LIVE VIBE at the Hare And Hounds, Kings Heath. So, what is LIVE VIBE?

LIVE VIBE is an event that takes place every other month which showcase a multitude of genres all on one stage. Providing a platform for up and coming young talent, Vanessa Sinclair has been the go to friend, advocate and support network for many Birmingham based artists' over the years. I was invited by DJ Megaboss (Alex Scott) Radio and Events presenter to attend the latest LIVE VIBE show to help spread the word and show the rest of Birmingham some of the support networks that are available!
So here's what went down...

The evening showcased performances from the likes of Psilo Vibes, Abz Winter, Dre100, Alicia Kruger and BornBroke.
Kicking off in style were Psilo Vibes, a five piece band who really know how to kick off an evening of live music. Lead singer Cherrell is an absolute powerhouse, her vocals hit me straight away and got me really intrigued by the band. As their set went on I noticed the energy of each band member was completely in sync with the other. Ranging from RnB to DnB and more this group are definitely one that you need to see live.
Second to take the stage was Abz Winter with her versatile lyrical flow and high energy. If you're looking for an artist who blurs genres effortlessly then Abz Winter is one that you need to get to know about for sure. Following her performance we saw Dre100 captivate the audience with his conscious lyrics in a performance that got the audience hanging on his every word.

After a short interval, London born Alicia Kruger brought the most heartfelt performance that I've felt in a while. The simplicity of just herself and her guitarist brought something very intimate and moving to the space. I was incredibly moved by this artist. She's one of those rare artists that gets everyone heads turning.
Last but definitely not least, BornBroke took their place to close the setlist. I'd been talking to BornBroke the whole evening and was anticipating hearing their music all evening. They did not disappoint. Full of high energy and catchy lyrics they were the perfect end to a night that was oozing with talent.

Just when we thought that the entertainment had come to a close several artists took to the stage for an open mic including the likes of Teeleonie and High Tempo who brought their unique energy as always!

The evening was full of support to and from the artists themselves. LIVE VIBE also holds a yearly festival called LIVE VIBE festival, which focusses on unsigned emerging artists. So, make sure that you check out Vanessa and LIVE VIBE @itslivevibe @vnsmanagement @vnsprods
AND don't forget to check the artists out too!
Psilo Vibes - @psilovibesofficial
Abz Winter - @abzwintermusic
Alicia Kruger - @aliciakrugerxo
Dre100 - @dre100x
BornBroke - @bornbrokebb
Teeleonie - @itsteeleonie
High Tempo - @hightempomusic
DJ Megaboss (Presenter) - @djmegaboss