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Blind Man's Daughter's 'Close Enough to Whisper': A Sonic Blend of Trap Beats and Prog Guitar!

The atmospheric cover art for 'Close Enough to Whisper'
The atmospheric cover art for 'Close Enough to Whisper'
Ashley Wolfe Transforms Albuquerque's Nightscape into a Chill, Sexy Anthem in Her Sophomore Release.

From the vibrant heart of Albuquerque, Blind Man's Daughter, aka Ashley Wolfe, sets the stage for her sophomore record with the mesmerizing single, "Close Enough to Whisper". Daring to explore new musical territories, Wolfe melds the sharp precision of trap-style beats with the fluidity of progressive guitar lines, topped off with seductively smooth vocals.

As a solo artist who wears multiple hats - guitarist, vocalist, producer - Wolfe's journey into music highlights her multifaceted talent and independence. Drawing influence from Rock, Prog, Pop, and Classical, Blind Man's Daughter's latest offering is an innovative fusion that defies easy categorization but I'll try! (or should I?).

Recorded in her own studio, Blind Man's Daughter LLC, with the support of mix and mastering engineer Bobby Balow, "Close Enough to Whisper" creates what can only be described as atmosphere. It encapsulates the essence of a cool city night, inviting listeners into an intimate, almost ethereal space where the urban landscape meets personal introspection. The combination of trap rhythms with progressive guitar lines creates a unique sonic experience, alongside her "smooth, sexy pop vocals". It's a blend of chillout, lo-fi guitar music, and art pop, enriched with a prog rock foundation that sets Blind Man's Daughter apart in the US indie music scene.

In her own words and through her music, Wolfe encapsulates the coolness of an urban night - a theme that resonates deeply in the song's lyrical and musical composition. Off we go through the streets of Albuquerque, cloaked in mystery and allure.

Genre: Prog Rock, Alternative Pop, Chillout, LoFi (Guitar Music), Trap

Mood: Sexy, Smooth, Chill, Nighttime

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