Used to the Pills
Brooklyn, United States
Butterfly Haus is bleeding from the heart in their latest single, ‘Used to the Pills.’ It's a solemn and soulful single that strums slowly to a melancholy melody. But the feeling isn’t sad, it throws hope into the mix, it's empathetic, it's uplifting. The backing mixes acoustic guitar, clean and true, with synth sounds, rises and pads, to create a massive and interesting soundscape. You could explore it for hours, the beeps and boops that tweet in the back, resting your head on the warm shoulder of the guitar. The vocal is spine-tingling. High and harmonic it drifts through the song like a cool mist on a hot summer day. It alights on your emotions and rouses them from their slumber. Soon they are awake and you are sent tumbling down a hill of realisation.
‘Used to the Pills’ can be looked at from many angles. It could be a harrowing song for some, an empowering song for others. For me, it is a song that reverberates through my mind and sends me away to another time.