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Electrifying Reinvention: Ninni's 'Have Fun' Mesmerizes with Daring Contrast and Cinematic Grandeur

Ninni has worked, refined, and mastered their single, Have Fun, into a new even better version, ‘Have Fun (Remastered 2023).’ The track holds a spark between pop and dark synth-wave instrumental music. There is a pace and intimacy in the instrumental that rises from between the gritty synths and the pulsing sub-bass. The kicks light up the dark and we see strobe images of the vocals, battling with the melody. It grabs hold, and volleys of lyrics hit us with golden accuracy. The light of the song grows and grows. Soon the song eats us whole, the melody swamps us, and the chorus rises high. The instrumental is king.

‘Have Fun (Remastered 2023)’ is a very bold song, and that is why it grabs me. The dark flavour of the instrumental clashes with those bright and hopeful lyrics. There is a battle taking place right in front of you as you listen to the rise, the fall, the landing, and the takeoff. Ninni has created a cinematic song of grand proportions.


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