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New York City, United States

Credit - Eleanor Lenoe

Elizabeth Winterbourne is bringing a fresh young sound to the folk and country genres. Her single, ‘Evergreen,’ mixes the textures of those well-loved genres, with the construction and stylings of modern pop. Her vocal is high and breathy but packs a punch when it needs to. Focusing on lyrics and melody rather than fanciful frills brings an honesty to the track that makes your heart twist. The backing revolves around an acoustic guitar, very country/folk, but the beat is something new. The click of electric drums meets your ears, the space and depth of a sub-bass kick. The two worlds collide and the sound of the meeting is deafening in its beauty.

‘Evergreen’ is a well-loved song. Every beat is thought about, and every line sung with the utmost care. Elizabeth Winterbourne has set off on a long trailing road of hardships and hip-hill struggles. But if she reaches the end, she will be remembered forever. Want proof? Listen to ‘Evergreen.’ There’s your proof. Stunning.


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