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Grunge Meets Classic Rock: Snakedoctors' 'Brighter' ft. Nik Hughes

Snakedoctors have revealed another single from their upcoming album, Waiting. ‘Brighter (feat. Nik Hughes)’ is a deep and gritty grunge head track that bleeds into classic rock with its melodies and vibes yet plays with modern song composition. It's got the attitude, the vibe, the tone of the dark grunge way. But in the back is something clean, something bright to clash against the gloom. The song battles itself and we watch, enthralled, as dark gives way to light.

‘Brighter (feat. Nik Hughes)’ bolsters the offering from the already splendid discography of Snakedoctors. Guitars switch between discordant chugs to picked chords in the verse, the humid day moves to a cool silken night. The bass sticks to the plan, and then leads its own path when it feels like it. It takes the melody for a ride and those punchy vocals follow.

Strolling along as grunge often does, the sound is massive, taking out entire streets as it passes. Then the sun rises, and the sound sighs, showing emotion, showing growth. ‘Brighter’ feels complete, we see both sides of the coin. Read the book, the foreword and the blurb. Snakedoctors have hit us with a keeper, that’s for sure.


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