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As I See It

Bozeman, United States

After reviewing the music of #JacobRountree back at the start of May, I decided to reach out to find out about his recent release #AsISeeIt - If you missed the original publication you can catch it here - TOP 10 INDIE ROCK - 06/05/2022 (tjplnews.com)




What would be your ultimate achievement for your latest single? Is there a particular vision that you had when putting the song together?

My goal with this single is to follow up with a music video and share the poetic soulful and earthy music with as many listeners enjoy!

I am excited to return to having momentum after the last two years of preforming music!

If you could define music in one short sentence (no cheating) what would you say?

Music is the innate form of communication directly from the soul that all humans and animals have the ability to participate and understand!

One artist you would bring back to life?

Freddie Mercury

When did you first realise that you had the potential to be an artist? Is there a memory that has stuck in your mind as the turning point for you?

I suppose it was the first time I every posted a video of me singing and performing a song onto Facebook and was surprised to receive such an amazing response from family and friends! That really was a good boost of confidence!

Do you play any instruments? If not, is there a specific one that you'd like to learn?

I play the guitar, drums, bass, Ukelele, Banjo and piano, however I would love to learn the didgeridoo.

How would you define your sound?

I would say its all of the relatable sounds of down to earth acoustic folk music with the spiritually psychedelic production of Pink Floyd.

What's the story behind your artist name?

Luckily its pretty simple and just my birth name!

What is the biggest challenge you've faced as an artist?

Covid sure was a challenge as I'm sure it was for us all. However going from full time performing several times a week to hardly at all was a hard thing to adjust to. It was unfortunate to see years of festivals and development get canceled.

What are your future plans? What can we look forward to for the rest of 2022?

I hope to release 3 music videos from the release of my brand new album! I then plan on continuing with multiple single releases and hopefully a collaboration or two!

Where would you like to be 5 years from now?

I would like to see a really stable travel and festival schedule with my music! I would hope to be able to have a manageable following in most cities that I travel to perform in!

Where can we find the track? Links to socials and distribution handles

@jacobrountree - IG

@jacobrountreemusic - FB

@Jacob Rountree music - YT

Jacob Rountree - Spotify, iTunes, dezer ,etc.


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