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A-Zal's 'Movie Script' Skyrockets to TOP40 Charts in Just Three Weeks

A-Zal is not just another name in the music industry; he's a multi-talented artist who has successfully bridged the worlds of film and music. With a background that boasts collaborations with Hollywood powerhouses like Marvel Studios, CBS, and Netflix, A-Zal has brought a cinematic touch to his musical debut. His single "Movie Script," released on August 11, 2023, has already made a significant impact, soaring to the #62 position on the USA Mediabase TOP40 Activator Charts within just three weeks of its release. This rapid ascent is a testament to A-Zal's unique artistry and the compelling narrative he weaves through his music.

The chart-topping debut of "Movie Script" is not just a personal milestone for A-Zal; it's a signal to the industry that he's an artist to watch. The single itself is a masterful blend of storytelling and musical composition, reflecting A-Zal's dual background in film and music. It's rare to see an artist make such a significant impact with a debut single, and even rarer when that artist has the kind of cross-industry experience that A-Zal brings to the table.

As fans eagerly await what's next, A-Zal is already setting the stage for a career that promises to break boundaries and redefine genres. Whether it's through his emotive vocal delivery, intricate storytelling, or the cinematic elements that pepper his music, A-Zal is crafting a narrative that resonates deeply with a broad spectrum of audiences. With "Movie Script" as the opening act, the stage is set for A-Zal to become a defining artist of his generation.


How does it feel to see "Movie Script" climb the charts so quickly after its release?

When I released the song, I knew it was radio friendly and that it would catch up with the audience. But, for it to chart in the Mediabase TOP40 Activator Charts in just 2 weeks of the release is something that I never expected. The song charted at the #62 position last week and I’m only one of the five independent artist in the top 62. The rest are all backed by record labels out of which most are major record labels. This is a big breakout for any independent artist and definitely feels very rewarding.

You've worked with Marvel Studios, CBS, and Netflix before diving into music. How has that experience influenced your musical journey?

Working with top Hollywood film studios requires your music to be top notch. There is no room for something that is alright, it has to be great. When I work with Marvel Studios, every aspect of my soundtracks matter, whether it is production, mixing, mastering or the songwriting itself. I learnt how to fine tune the rough edges in a production and create high quality production so that it matches with the expectations of these studios. You have to bring in your A Game when you are working with such giants. I carried forward the same approach in my album.

Can you share the inspiration and creative process behind your debut single?

The creative process always starts with the story behind the song and what I want the listeners to experience when they hear it. With “Movie Script”, I wanted the listeners to travel to my world of fantasy and experience living life as if it was written like a cinematic movie. The audio production started with making a baseline hook for the song which is funky and goes with a crisp groove. I composed the top line vocal melody purely on the baseline and later added all the electric guitars and synth.

Did you expect "Movie Script" to make it to the USA Mediabase TOP40 Activator Charts? What are your future chart goals?

I did expect it will chart on the radio. However, making it to to the Charts in just 2 weeks of its release is something I never imagined. This has been the most rewarding feeling till now as it is difficult to penetrate the radio charts when you have the best pop singers in the world and the most reputed record labels involved. My future chart goals are quite simple. As ambitious and crazy as it may sound, I’d want to see “Movie Script” go right at the chart and rank #1 on Mediabase and Billboard Charts. Impossible is nothing! I believe in this and I know that the universe will help me get there.

How do you blend your cinematic background into your music, especially in "Movie Script"?

I learnt from my movies that it should export the audience to another world. This is why we watch movies, to experience another story and another world. When you watch Titanic, you are immediately exported to it’s voyage and characters played by Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet will always remind us of Jack and Rose. My aim is to give the same experience to my audience when they watch my music videos or listen to any of my songs. This is why I also decided to self direct my music videos so that I could visually take them to my world.

Are there any artists or filmmakers you're looking forward to collaborating with in the future?

I would love to collaborate with my favorite artists, Ed Sheeran and Dua Lipa. I got into writing my album because of Ed Sheeran and it would be an honor to collaborate with him.

What has the fan response been like for "Movie Script," and has it influenced your plans for future releases?

The song started out really slow in its first week and it being my debut single, I was hoping it would gain traction from day one. That didn’t happen and left me a bit startled. Things took off in the third week when the Mediabase Reports came in and I saw the song was charting at #62. The song found spots in the radio between major artists such as Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomes, Olivia Rodrigo and Dua Lipa. This success hasn’t really influenced my future releases, but has given me the confidence that something that I’ve done has clicked, and I should continue to do the same.

Do you have plans to bring "Movie Script" to the stage? What can audiences expect from an A-Zal live show?

Absolutely, I would be announcing my tour dates when all the ten songs of the album is released. I can’t wait to perform “Movie Script” to a live audience.

Can you give us a sneak peek into what's next for A-Zal?

Are there more singles or perhaps an album in the works?“Movie Script” is the first song from the album “17 & 11 Nights” which has a total of 10 songs. I will be announcing the next song very soon.

What message would you like to leave for your fans, and what can they look forward to from A-Zal in the coming months?

I make music for soul and for my fans. I have only one message for my fans - I love hearing from you! If you like my songs, reach out to me on my social media and say a hi! I am an independent artist. Your support would be the wind beneath my wings!


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