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Credit - Sage Phoenix

Singer Sage Phoenix's debut EP, "Forever," is a delightful collection of music that showcases their unique style and versatility. This EP has been years in the making, and Sage Phoenix has worked with some of the best producers and composers to create an eclectic mix of r&b, pop, and hip-hop sounds. From the captivating "Without Your Love" to the upbeat "Make You Mine," each song in the EP offers a distinct sound and style that will leave listeners wanting more.

The EP explores themes of healing, expressing, and creating memories, which Sage Phoenix masterfully blends with their lyrics and melodies. The instrumentals are also worth noting as they add depth and emotion to each song, creating a cinematic feel that perfectly complements the lyrical landscape.

Overall, "Forever" is a testament to Sage Phoenix's talent and potential as an artist. With their unique style and powerful vocals, they are sure to captivate audiences and win over new fans.


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