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TOM CRAVEN - New Signals

Credit - JSP - Jon Self Photography

Tom Craven’s sound is angelic in his latest single, ‘New Signals.’ Organs hum in the back. Light percussion twinkles over the vocals that sit close, centre stage. They sing with a clarity that is unmatched. It's true singing talent. You can’t hear any effects, any tonal shifting work. Tom Craven doesn’t need any help. As the melody drives on it swoons. ‘New Signals’ is a ballad through and through. It pulls on the heartstrings and alights on sadness, but never stays there too long. The chorus shoots you up over the darkening emotion and into the bliss-filled clouds above. The two-part harmony shooting starlight every which way. A truly dramatic ending.

When the song began I was away with the fairies. When it ended I had become one. Tom Craven’s ‘New Signals’ is transformative in its textures, healing in its harmony and unforgettable in its melodies. A true contemporary ballad, worthy of a human heart.


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