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SINGLE REVIEW - IreQ Savage - Acceptance


IreQ Savage


Orlando, FL, United States

#Accepance by Orlando-based rapper #IreqSavage is a laid-back hip-hop track that implements video game sounds with a classic hip-hop drum loop and chime key synths. When combined with the energetic yet laid-back rap vocals this track creates something that mixes a likeliness to drake with something a little more cheeky! The twee sounds remind me of Soulja Boy's hit release #KissMeThruThePhone. This song is one that you can easily enjoy when relaxing as well as maintaining a little attitude! It's fun, loose, and skilfully crafted. Make sure that you hit the Spotify player above to hear it for yourselves and then head over to #IreqSavage on Spotify to hear his latest release #1punch.


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