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Berlin, Germany

Pop duo Anaté released their latest single “Anaté” on November 4th! The track marks the first release from their second EP 'Fume'. The duo consists of singer-songwriter Ana and central producer Andrea. In a statement, the pair said that “After is the first song of the upcoming EP Fume. We wrote it with a more laid back approach to the contemplating lyrics of the first album Confessions, moving also towards mainstream pop sounds - which will characterise the entire EP. After talks about recurring mistakes and the guilty pleasures we get out of them”.

This along with the undeniable energy of the song made me reach out to Anaté for a *BACKSTAGE PASS* Special. So, hit play on the Spotify player below and listen along whilst I take you through their latest movements!

Q: Firstly, who are ANATÉ? Let newcomers know who you are!

A: (Anaté) We are a duo composed of producer Delman and singer/songwriter Anate - based in Milan/Berlin. Our creativity stems from our love for music, passion and curiosity, therefore we usually don't stick to just one genre - you can however feel the downtempo / soft pop influence in our work. Focusing pretty much on the online, but looking to expand into offline as well, we've been doing music since we first met in 2018. Our musical curiosity and self-expression never stop - so do expect the unexpected when it comes to Anate.

Q: I love the synth pop dreamy nature of your latest single ‘After’ and the way that it brings a bit of EDM into the mix, how long did the track take to put together and what was the process behind it?

A: (Delman) It was a quite long and odd process honestly, lots of rework. I started a beat that was supposed to be slow and chill, taking inspiration from a song by Miraa May that I used to listen in that period. At some point I messed up and just by chance I got this strange kick drum pattern that you can hear in the chorus. I liked it, but it worked better with a faster tempo. But with a faster tempo other parts of the arrangement fell apart…we ended up parking the song for over a year, then I rebuilt it ground-up once we started working on this new EP. It’s a much better song than the one we parked back in the days.

Q: What are your ultimate career goals?

A: (Ana) Be able to live out of music (writing, performing) without compromising my art and without needing to become a "brand". Simply and genuinely express my passion and make a living out of it.

Q: Let readers know a little about your background – How many singles have you released so far, when did you start your journey as an artist/musician

A: (Ana) Our previous album contains 10 original songs we've created basically long distance, as Delman and I are based in different countries. We also released some covers alongside our songs - one of which brought us quite some attention in the online (Blue Jeans). I started my musical journey young - trained in classical paino since 5, been the lead singer of a downtempo band during my bachelor, co-writing songs as well. Since I met Delman in 2018 i properly started my creative journey when it comes to songwriting.

Q: If you could jump on a plane to any part of the world and perform on ONE stage which would it be and why?

A: (Ana) I love festivals and how it brings people together, away from the real life, in unity and joy. I'd love to perform at a festival such as Burning Man - in the desert (how great is that?), creating a very immersive and theatrical performance of our songs, especially the ones on the first album.

A: (Delman) I don’t perform myself, but translating the question to producers’ world I’d love to sit next to Ian Kirkpatrick for a week as he works out the next single of some top artist.

Q: Can you play any instruments? Is there one that you would like to learn?

A: (Ana) I play the piano and I'd love to learn how to play the oud, I love the mysterious sound of it. When it comes to electronic music, I've lately been looking into modular synthesis, find it fascinating as well.

A: (Delman) I play guitar and I’d love to learn to play piano properly. As a producer not being able to play keyboards fluently is a limitation.

Q: Lately, what are your plans for the near future? Do you have any exclusives that you’d like us to share with our readers?

A: We've got an upcoming EP on the way - it started with After. So do expect regular releases of singles for the next few months! Exploring new sound, more towards soft pop when compared to our first album.

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