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New York, United States

Credit - Adam Schneberg

Sean Kennedy’s brand of pop rock is medicine for the soul. His latest single, ‘Memory,’ plays with classic pop-rock vibes that fall back to the 00s and plays them with dignity and grace. The result is a song that believes in its story and tells it with unrequited passion. The instrumental is harmonic, each instrument falls in line and the sound becomes one charging wave of song. The beat is clear and strong and is sure to get those toes tapping to the melody that the vocal, clear and strong, commands across the single.

‘Memory’ feels classic from the moment you hear it. It's got a rose-tinted quality to it that makes it seem as if it has always been there, a sound that will survive the test of time. It's one human, telling a story, wishing for love — only the medium is a song. Sean Kennedy will set your heart to swoon, then disappear, leaving the lake of emotion that resides within each and every one of us, as tranquil as can be.


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