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T.A.P.'s "Beats of Christmas": A Fusion of African Rhythms and Holiday Spirit

"Beats of Christmas" by T.A.P.: Infusing African Rhythms into Holiday Celebrations

Something that I love about discovering new music is the way that the unexpected has a habit of jumping out and grabbing your attention. You know, those songs that really have a knack for educating and opening the minds of its listeners? Well, T.A.P., short for The African Project, is a collective of passionate independent artists based in Lagos, Nigeria are a grup who have done just that with their latest single "Beats of Christmas". They're breaking new ground in the world of world fusion music. Offering a celebration of diverse cultures and the joyous spirit of the holidays, T.A.P enriches the holiday spirit with the warmth of African beats.

Recorded in a studio in Lagos, Nigeria, and supported by World Fusion Music Productions LLC and Afrojunk Media Productions, "Beats of Christmas" is the brainchild of producer Akanni Temiyato and singer Debbie Anthony. The song, written by Cynthia Ann Sladek, features a blend of African and English lyrics that capture the varied moods of the holiday season. The track's lively beats and reflective words make it a perfect fit for both festive celebrations and moments of holiday nostalgia.

T.A.P. is part of a larger movement in Lagos aiming to empower independent artists. By creating opportunities for international collaborations and studio performances, T.A.P. is helping to build a thriving music community that supports and promotes the talents of its members.

With "Beats of Christmas," T.A.P. invites listeners to experience the holidays through a unique lens. According to Debbie Anthony and Akanni Temiyato, the song is meant to "stir up the season" with its blend of festive rhythms and reflective lyrics. It's a track that captures the essence of T.A.P.: a celebration of diversity, creativity, and the unifying power of music.

As the holiday season approaches, "Beats of Christmas" stands out as a must-listen, offering a fresh and vibrant take on traditional holiday music. For more information on T.A.P. and their initiatives, stay tuned to their journey in bringing African music to the global stage.

You can follow them through the links below to never miss a beat

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