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FEATURED ARTIST *Render Ghosts* - Keeping My Number - INTERVIEW


RENDER GHOSTS - Keeping My Number


Credits - Elen Williams / Lisanne Lentink

To recap, earlier this month Render Ghosts from London/Utrecht made it tto Number 3 in our Weekly Finds Top 10. Render Ghosts are a newly found trio who are making effortlessly melodic alternative pop anthems. Combined, their sounds integrate three varying musical personalities.The trio consist of Tamara van Esch - a well-known singer-songwriter from the Netherlands, Tom O.C Wilson - a classically-trained composer and Iain Chambers - sound artist who uses buildings as instruments, famously turning London’s Tower Bridge into a massive resonating chamber. How AMAZINGLY CREATIVE ARE THESE 3?! Debuting in December 2021 with Eye Rhyme, they instantly gained the attention of Amazing Radio, Fresh on the Net and BBC 6 Music Introducing. Their follow-up release 'Keeping My Number' is even BETTER than their first with an even catchier banger inspired by the commercial pop.


Tamara Jenna reached out to Render Ghosts after being wowed by their production. Tamara van Esch (vocalist) got to back to us with her answers on behalf of the band - Check out the interview below!


Hey Tamara it's great to have you here. So, what is the main goal for 'Keeping My Number'? What would be the ultimate achievement?

When singing and recording this track, what I imagined was a futuristic atmosphere with someone in a fast vehicle/rocket flying and racing between the stars. It would suit perfectly if the song would be used in a movie or a commercial with a space theme.

I definitely felt that from the track. What are your ultimate career goals overall?

My main goal is always to find ways to keep making and performing music. For me music is the most passionate element in my life and I always build my life around it. My ultimate career goal would be that people are moved by the music I make and for me personally the ultimate career goal would be that I don’t have to plan anything myself anymore and that I don’t have to worry about money. I am already very happy with how my career is at the moment, because I have a lot of freedom and I can make the music that I love. The only thing that’s still hard is that I am working a lot next to making my own music and it would be lovely if the balance of making music and working would be a bit more towards composing and performing, so I don’t waste too much energy on working :) But I think with babysteps I’m making my way towards it, so I’m already proud of that :)

When did you first realise that you had the potential to be an artist? Is there a memory that has stuck in your mind as the turning point for you?

I remember that I wanted to be a performer from the age of 4. My sisters were joining a talent show at school and they were lip syncing to the song lollypop. I wasn’t allowed, because I didn’t go to school yet. Even though I was very shy, I insisted on performing with them and finally I got to do the dance in front of the stage and only then I was satisfied. I always remained very shy and insecure, so at the age of 19 when I joined a Dutch national TV show, I finally realised that I might be worthy enough of becoming a performing artist. Since then I’ve been working hard everyday to be able to do performances and I enjoy being an artist a lot.

We seem so similar in that respect - it's important to push through the shyness and be confident in our abilities as artists so well done for what you've achieved so far! What are the main influences in your songwriting process?

Mainly emotions, thoughts and other things that are going on in my or other people’s minds. That’s always my starting point. I try to put these influences both in the lyrics and the music and my goals are to bring people into a certain mood to relax or sometimes I like it if people are contemplating on things when listening to my music.

How would you define your sound?

I think this is one of the hardest questions to answer when it’s about your own music. Render Ghosts I would describe as up-tempo, cheerful, but also honest music with influences from 80s synths and sounds.

If you had the opportunity to work with one of your favorite musical artists, who would you most like to collaborate with and why?

St Vincent. She makes music that astounds me, she plays guitar beautifully and has developed such a signature sound and also she has a lovely voice. I am inspired by her way of transforming from one character into another from record to record. She’s very talented and I mainly am a fan of her records Actor and Strange Mercy. She is a strong performer as well.

If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

The way women are treated and not always taken seriously. It always seems as if there’s less space for female artists, both because there are more male artists in general and because women can be quite competitive (which is maybe even strengthened by the fact that there are few women in the industry). I always hope to be a role model for young girls who would like to become an artist. Also to me it feels as if you only have chances of becoming more known if you are also a sex object, which is uncomfortable for me to think of.

Well, woman to woman I say keep doing your thing without conforming to those stereotypes. It's great to hear an artist speak openly about those issues. What are your future plans? What can we look forward to for the rest of 2022?

I have collaborated on three records that were all released at the start of 2022: Render Ghosts, my own record (Tamara van Esch) and a record of a European project (Eurotoire). There are gigs coming up with all these projects and I’m very much looking forward to the gig with Render Ghosts on May 27th at the Finsbury in London.

It was great to hear your insights into your artistry and the industry. Thanks for joining us! Where can we find the track?


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