‘Something New’ is the latest single from Tom Tikka & The Missing Hubcaps. It’s a massive single in many ways; in scale, intention, and in emotion. What you feel first is the passion behind the vocals. Pianos and bass fill up the world as a sole Vox leads you down the melodic steps. You twist one way and back another, being sure to keep your ears on the lyrics. You don’t notice until it’s too late that the world has grown, it has expanded tenfold and now swirls around you with synths, strings, guitars, great drums and an entire choir. The single grows and yet remains completely humble. It’s fantastic.
When the chorus first comes around you really fall into this song and everything it has to offer. It’s the bass and how it wraps around the instrumental, it’s the fire in the belly of the vocals. But most of all it’s the journey that they all work together to take you on. It’s bold, yes. But it’s forgiving. Once the light settles at the end of the day and sinks below the horizon, you no longer feel alone, this song gives you a sense of connection — to whom? Only one way to find out… ‘Something New’ is poppy, it holds elements of rock and flows like a ballad. But most importantly it’s a stellar track — one you should absolutely check out.